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Providing sustainable knowledge is the aim of IMPACTE. We believe that growth and learning are linked, and that economic, social and organizational development can be achieved through knowledge sharing. We believe we can enable this process in a more impactful, honest and transparent way. We plan, we adapt, we communicate, we help you make it happen.

The Team

We are a development consulting company, dedicated to providing technical assistance services to private and public organizations in the areas of economic, social and organizational development.

We propose a new approach to consulting, which is defined by its sustainable and innovative contribution to the organizations with which it works and the promotion of economic and social development at national and international level.

We intend to create value in the consultancy sector, through participatory and innovative methodologies, fully adapted to the needs of each organization and each project.

Patrícia Carvalho

Executive Director Portugal - Partner

Patrícia has a Master’s degree in Political Science from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, a Specialization in Human Rights from Universidade de Coimbra, and received training on Project Evaluation at the University of Oriental and African Studies in London. She has extensive experience in the design, monitoring and evaluation of projects, studies, and technical assistance. Most of her professional activity since 2010 has been related to aid development programs in the PALOP countries, Timor-Leste, Sudan, Tanzania, Malawi, and Zambia, while working with several UN agencies, the European Union and the World Bank. She has also worked for international NGOs, such as the Global Reporting Initiative in Amsterdam as a Public Policy Affairs Coordinator, as well as for the Consortium for Street Children and StreetInvest in London, and UNITEE in Brussels. Her experience includes working for the Environmental Department of the Permanent Representation of Portugal to the European Union in Brussels.


  • Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Social and Economic Development Studies
  • Policy & Advocacy
  • Project Management & Technical Assistance
  • Fundraising


  • Human Rights
  • Social Protection
  • Education & Training
  • Employment & Entrepreneurship
  • Health
  • Migration
  • Governance & Public Finances
  • Climate Change
  • Agriculture

+351 936 294 204

Miguel Fonseca

Chief Operations Officer (COO) - Partner

Miguel has a degree (Pre-Bologna) in Mechanical Engineering from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa and attended a Master’s degree in the field of Maintenance. Has over 15 years of experience in Management and Development Consulting, having already carried out dozens of projects in Portugal and in the PALOP countries, with a focus on Cape Verde, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe. Has extensive experience in designing and implementing management systems (according to ISO standards), developing Strategic Plans, Business Plans, Communication and Marketing Plans, Business Valuation, Financing and Incentive Systems, Market and Sectoral Studies, among others. He has developed projects for a variety of sectors of activity and types of organizations, governments, international organizations from the public and private sectors and bilateral cooperation actors (for example, In Cape Verde: UGPE, Lux Development, IOM, ERIS, ARAP, IGQPI, Cabeólica, INPHARMA and MOAVE, in Mozambique: MOPHRH, AURA, INCM, UNICEF and BVM, and in São Tomé and Príncipe: AFAP, UNICEF and PNUD).


  • Certification of Organizations, Products and Services
  • Organizational Efficiency & Process Reengineering
  • Organizational and Business Strategy & Development
  • Sector Studies
  • Market and Value Chain Studies
  • Social and Economic Development Studies
  • Strategies, Policies and Development Plans
  • Communication & Marketing
  • Investment Projects, Incentive Systems and Fundraising Strategies


  • Environment
  • Energy and Renewables Energies
  • Regulation
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Metalworking
  • Food Security
  • Governance
  • Laboratory

+351 968 621 195

Gonçalo Francisco

Executive Director Mozambique – Partner

Gonçalo has a Master’s Degree in Management (ISCTE), a Post-Graduation in Business Management (INDEG-ISCTE), and a Degree in Engineering & Industrial Management (ISCTE).
He is currently responsible for IMPACTE’s operations in Mozambique and has specialized in providing technical assistance services, being certified as a Consulting Services Provider accredited by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique.
Besides the in-depth knowledge of the Mozambican market, he also has relevant experience in other markets such as Portugal, Spain, France, India, Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe.
During more than 15 years of professional experience, where we highlight more than 10 years of experience in consulting services, he has developed projects for prestigious clients such as World Bank, United Nations, USAID, Aga Khan Foundation, Mozambique Stock Exchange, Ministry of Health of Mozambique, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, Moza Banco, Mozambique Chamber of Commerce, among others.


  • Organizational and Business Strategy & Development
  • Feasibility Studies, Company and Business Valuation
  • Restructuring and Due Diligence of Companies
  • Investment Projects, Incentive Systems and Fundraising Strategies
  • Internationalization
  • Strategies, Policies and Development Plans
  • Sectoral Studies
  • Market and Value Chain Studies
  • Elaboration, Implementation and Evaluation of Capacity-Building Programs


  • Agriculture
  • Banking
  • Blue Economy (Fishing & Aquaculture)
  • Metallworks
  • Natural Resources
  • Public Works
  • Retailing
  • Sanitation
  • Tourism
  • Transports
  • Water

+351 914 360 638

+258 843 684 669

Rita Coelho

Project Manager

Rita Coelho is currently finalizing her Master’s Degree in Development Studies at Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and has a degree in Languages and International Relations from Universidade do Porto. She works as a Project Manager at IMPACTE, where she is responsible for the technical, logistical and administrative management of projects in the PALOP and Timor-Leste, also providing support in primary data collection and report writing. She has experience in project evaluation in the PALOP and Timor-Leste, having supported the evaluation of several projects and programs of international organizations such as United Nations agencies (UNDP, ILO and UNICEF) and NGOs such as SNV and Interpeace.

Manuel Mujovo

Project Manager

Manuel Mujovo has a degree in Economics from Eduardo Mondlane University, and a graduate in Accounting from the Commercial Institute of Maputo. He is currently a Project Manager at IMPACTE, where he is responsible for project management, development of proposals and applications for the public and private sectors, and non-governmental organizations. He has worked with Mazars in Mozambique as a Consultancy and Project’s Assistant. He has experience in the execution of consultancy projects with public institutions in Mozambique such as Ministério das Obras Públicas, Habitação e Recursos Hídricos (MOPHRH), Instituto Nacional de Irrigação (INIR) and Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (FNDS), and with non-governmental organizations such as the Aga Khan Foundation. He has also received professional training in Effective Communication and Effective Time Management.

João Silveira

Senior Officer Research & Evaluation

João holds a Master’s degree in European Policies and Territorial Cooperation and a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Universidade do Minho. He has extensive experience providing research, analysis, training, and evaluation of development cooperation projects/programmes services for a variety of clients, including The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS), the Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI-NOVA), the Research Centre in Political Science of the University of Évora (CICP), and IMPACTE. João is a published author and contributor to more than 20 publications, including policy reports, scientific articles, studies, and evaluation reports. He is also a speaker at scientific conferences, expert panels, and university classes. João has acquired field work experience in Cape Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe.

Daniela Pereira

Senior Project Manager

Daniela Pereira has a degree in economics from Eduardo Mondlane University and has experience working in the field of management consultancy, having participated in the design, implementation and evaluation of strategic planning projects, commercial plans, human resources strategies, organisational development and fiscal risks for both the public and private sectors.
She is currently Senior Project Manager at IMPACTE, where she is responsible for project management and development of proposals and applications.
She has experience in carrying out projects with the public sector in Mozambique, such as the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME), the National Petroleum Institute (INP), the Central de Medicamentos e Artigos Médicos (CMAM), among others.

Jerusa Alberto

Project Manager

Jerusa Alberto holds a degree in Economics from Eduardo Mondlane University and brings extensive professional experience across the banking sector, public accounting, and, most notably, the implementation and management of consulting projects. Throughout her career, Jerusa has excelled in developing business strategies, driving organizational transformation, and conducting market studies, collaborating with various national and international companies operating in Mozambique across multiple sectors.

Currently, Jerusa serves as a Project Manager at IMPACTE, where she is responsible for identifying and fostering business relationships, seizing business opportunities, and expanding the company’s network of contacts. Additionally, she leads project management and implementation, ensuring successful delivery from concept to execution.

Among her key areas of expertise are strategic plan development, technical verifications, and project monitoring and evaluation. Jerusa has worked with prominent institutions, including the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique (MEF), the National Institute of Standardization and Quality (INNOQ), and the Agricultural Development and Rural Extension Fund (FAR, FP), further strengthening her portfolio with high-profile clients and impactful projects.

João Mondlane


João Mondlane holds a degree in Economics from the University of Saint Thomas of Mozambique. During his academic journey, João served as Treasury Manager for the Association of Final-Year Students at his university. He has also gained valuable experience as a teaching assistant for courses in Introduction to Economics and Accounting.

Currently, João is interning as a Project Manager at IMPACTE, where he actively contributes to internal projects and supports the team in the development of technical and financial proposals. His role also involves managing consultants, trainers, and project teams, always demonstrating a commitment to organization, meeting deadlines, and maintaining a strong focus on results.

Natasha Soares


Natasha Soares has a background in Legal Sciences from the Universidade Politécnica de Moçambique. With valuable experience as a Legal Advisor, she has developed strong skills in legal research, contract drafting, and client support. In addition to her legal background, Natasha has gained expertise in accounting, marketing, and advertising, making her a versatile and multifaceted professional.

Currently, Natasha is interning as a Project Manager at IMPACTE, where she plays a key role in coordinating and executing management and business consulting projects. In her position, she supports project oversight, assists in the preparation of technical and financial proposals, and ensures effective project implementation. Her strong organizational skills and attention to detail have been instrumental in the success of the initiatives she is involved in.

With a well-rounded portfolio encompassing project management, legal analysis, and accounting, Natasha brings a dynamic and adaptable approach to her work at IMPACTE, contributing to the strength of the team and the excellence of the services provided.



Câmara de Comércio de Moçambique
United Nations Development Programme; International Labour Organization

🇬🇼 Regressamos agora da Guiné-Bissau, onde estivemos a finalizar a recolha de dados para a Análise Situacional da Mutilação Genital Feminina na Guiné-Bissau, com o apoio da UNICEF, FNUAP, e do CNAPN - Comité Nacional para o Abandono de Práticas Nefastas.

📣 🇸🇹 Esta semana estamos em São Tomé e Príncipe a apoiar a OIT na Avaliação do Programa de Promoção do Trabalho Digno e a apoiar o PNUD a estudar o impacto das migrações santomenses no país. É com enorme prazer que podemos uma vez mais contribuir para a reflexão conjunta sobre temas tão relevantes para o país! 📣 🇸🇹 This week we are in São Tomé and Príncipe supporting ILO in the Evaluation of the Decent Work Promotion Country Program and supporting UNDP in studying the impact of São Toméan migration on the country. It is with great pleasure that we can once again contribute to joint reflection on issues that are so relevant to the country!

📢 Ontem apresentamos os resultados da Avaliação de Meio-Termo do Plano de Acção para Cada Recém-Nascido (PACRN) 2019-2023. 🧑‍🍼O PACRN tem como objetivo reduzir as mortes neonatais evitáveis em Moçambique e é implementado pelo Ministério da Saude, com apoio da UNICEF e muitos outros parceiros que têm um papel preponderante na melhoria dos cuidados neonatais no país. Foi um prazer e um honra liderar este processo de avaliação, e participar neste workshop de discussão com todos os parceiros, especialmente no momento que se vive em Moçambique. 👏Um agradecimento especial à equipa da IMPACTE Consultants e ao nosso consultor Álvaro Silveira! 📢 Yesterday we presented the results of the Mid-Term Evaluation of the Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP) 2019-2023. 🧑‍🍼ENAP aims to reduce preventable neonatal deaths in Mozambique and is implemented by the Ministry of Health, with support from UNICEF and many other partners who play a leading role in improving neonatal care in the country. It was a pleasure and an honour to lead this evaluation process, and to take part in this discussion workshop with all the partners, especially at this time in Mozambique. 👏Special thanks to the IMPACTE Consultants team and our consultant Álvaro Silveira!